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Vocational Services

Vocational Services is a service and support option on a continuum of services designed to meet the diverse needs of students with a focus on vocational skills. Scroll down to learn more about each of the services/programs.

  • 18 PLUSS Services
    • AISD 18 PLUSS Food and Nutrition Internship Program
    • Project SEARCH - Community Internship Program
  • Pre-Vocational Awareness (Pre-Voc)
  • Vocational Adjustment Class (VAC)


The 18 PLUSS Services program is a community-based vocational training support option for a student eligible for special education services who needs assistance in obtaining and maintaining employment in the community as part of their vocational support.

AISD 18 PLUSS Food and Nutrition Internship Program

Students train in a year-round, full day supported employment placement. This program is for students whose graduation plan is geared toward supported employment.  18 PLUSS is partnered with AISD Food and Nutrition to offer a variety of job experiences incorporating transferable skills in a supervised environment. 

Project SEARCH - Community Internship Program

Project SEARCH is a one-year student application internship program. AISD is a partner with Project SEARCH for student interns to learn transferable soft employment skills and comprehensive employment skills. The student interns secure transportation to and from a business site. Student interns complete hands-on tasks and responsibilities through rotations typically within a hospital setting. The program goal is for each student to be employed prior to graduation.


Junior High

Pre-vocational Awareness (Pre-Voc) is a service and support option on a continuum of services designed to meet the diverse needs of students with mild cognitive deficits and moderate to significant deficits in both academic and adaptive behavior that adversely affects the student’s educational performance despite the use of intense, research-based interventions, supports and services. The primary focus of this service is to provide instruction and training in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for pre-employment, job sampling, self-help and independent living skills. Academically, students access and participate in a modified version of the seventh and eighth grade-level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in the fields of science and social studies as outlined in an individual IEP.


High School

The Vocational Adjustment Class (VAC) is a service and support option on a continuum designed to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities that impact their ability to obtain and maintain employment. Students access and participate in the grade-level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) using modifications and/or accommodations. Instruction and modifications address the learning styles and needs of the students. Specific vocational coursework is required and designed to meet the needs of those students who require special assistance in gaining employability and self-help skills. When the student completes requirements for graduation as specified in the Individualized Education Program (IEP), a high school diploma is awarded.