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Special Education

Serving children with special needs from ages 3-21

World-class Supports

Life Skills Development

Opportunities to engage in the community

When your child has special needs,
navigating the path to success can be challenging.

You've got a lot on your plate. You don't have to do it all by yourself.
91制片厂 will partner with you to help your child find THEIR success story.

Finding the Right Specialists
Integrating services with their education
Identifying the types of support they need

Every child is unique. Serving your child's specific needs requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Every child deserves the opportunity to achieve success.

Learn life skills

Your child can learn important skills that will help in their everyday life.

Develop independence

Imagine your child feeling confident and successful. We are passionate about helping your child achieve their absolute best.

Achieve 鈥渢heir鈥 success

What does success look like for your child? We know it's different for every person. No more one-size-fits-all solutions!

Gain employment

Your child can learn important skills that will help in their everyday life.

This is accomplished through...

World Class Teachers

Our teachers receive the best support, training and development in order to benefit your child's learning experience.

State-of-the-art facilities

Your child deserves innovative, creative learning environments. We are committed to designs that will grow into the future.

An environment that addresses the needs of the whole child

Your child can be in a school where the staff knows them personally and cares about their success. In a world that is disconnected and anonymous, your child can be known.

91制片厂 partners with families to address the special needs of every child
and help them achieve the success that鈥檚 right for them.

In-district Specialists

Specialists available to be on-site, integrated into your child's day.

  • Teachers
  • School Psychologist / Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
  • Speech Language Pathologist / Intern / Assistant
  • Educational Diagnostician
  • Audiologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Behavior Interventionist
  • Interpreters
  • Music Therapists
  • Orientation and Mobility Specialists听
  • Braillists

Specialized Supports

Students are served according to their needs in the following environments:

  • SEAS Classrooms - Social Emotional and Academic Supports
  • ABLE - Academic Behavioral Learning Environment
  • Alternate Curriculum - Students needing pre-requisite curriculum and supports for adaptive behavior Pre-Vocational and Vocational classrooms
  • 18 PLUSS - Students who have met their graduation criteria but continue to receive services and instruction through the district until their 22nd birthday.
  • ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
  • Parent-Infant - Ages 0-3 years
  • Regional Day School for the Deaf

These specialized supports are provided in classrooms for students needing intensive instruction.

Support and devices provided free of charge

No one needs to tell you how stressful it can be to have to pay for everything your child needs to achieve their goals.
91制片厂 understands this, so everything is provided at no cost to you.

You deserve access to everything you need to help your student achieve success.

91制片厂 Special Education Cycle of Success


The first step in your child's Cycle of Success is an evaluation to determine their strengths and areas of need in all areas of suspected disabilities. If your child is determined to be a student with a disability who requires specially-designed instruction, 91制片厂 will partner with you to develop the appropriate special education supports and services necessary to meet your child's educational needs at no cost.

Address the Gaps

The second step in this cycle is to identify the most important skills they need to be successful, always keeping in mind that success for every student with special deficits is different. At this point, a plan will be designed to meet their specific areas of needed instruction.

Monitor goals until they reach mastery level

Your child's plan is constantly and continually monitored in partnership with you. Our team will continue to monitor your child's goals until they achieve mastery levels. Then, together we will identify the next skill set that will make them more successful in their academic journey.

Success and Transition

The final step in your child's Cycle of Success is to learn the important life skills needed to live a full life. We know you want them to be as independent as possible, and this is our goal for them as well. 91制片厂 provides your student opportunities to engage in the community and develop the skills necessary to make this a reality.

We care about how your child is doing - academically, socially and emotionally.
We walk hand-in-hand with you to guide them to new levels of success.

91制片厂 Special Education


Cindy Brown

(682) 867-0800

Required Postings

  • Senate Bill 139 is intended to provide Texas families with information regarding the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Dyslexia, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The direct link to the specific document can be located by click the link below.
  • Required to posting of TEA-developed document intended to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under the IDEA in requesting compensatory services for their child. The document is linked below and in both English and Spanish. 听The English and Spanish documents are located

  • TEA Updates in Special Education
  • TEA听Actualizaciones en Educaci贸n Especial

    The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
    Contact information:听 听

  • Student Code of Conduct (English)
  • Student Code of Conduct (Spanish)

Important Resources

Survey of Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services / Encuesta a padres de estudiantes recibiendo servicios de educaci贸n especial

91制片厂 seeks to collect input from parents with a child receiving special education services regarding the IEP process.

All responses will be collected anonymously to help guide the district in continuous improvement.